Podcast – 10th July 2006 – Budapest

Category: Article

Title: Podcast – 10th July 2006 – Budapest

Upload date: 2006-07-10

Śivarāma Swami

Maharaja speaks about the observance of Guru-purnima and Sanatana Goswami s tirobhava (both are tomorrow, but check your Vaisnava calendar as some areas may differ).

see below the picture for special pages on Guru-purnima and Sanatana Goswami…

click here – 7.2 Mb download, 13:49 playing time.

Sanatana Goswami embraced by Mahaprabhu

Mahaprabhu embraces Sanatana Goswami


Srila Prabhupada was succinct in his instructions on how Gaudiya Vaishnavas observe Guru-purnima:

Tamala Krsna: Today is the disappearance day of Sanatana Gosvami.
Prabhupada: Oh.
Tamala Krsna: It is also guru-purnima.
Prabhupada: Today?
Tamala Krsna: :Yes. Is there some special celebration or significance?
Prabhupada: Guru-puja, that you are doing daily.                                                 Morning Walk — July 11, 1976, New York

The day after this comment, Srila Prabhupada lectured extensively on Narottama das Thakura s Sri Guru-vandanam, the prayers offered to the spiritual master every morning in ISKCON temples. In the lecture he spoke of Sanatana Goswami s qualification as guru. Click on the link for a special page on Sanatana Goswami, followed by the transcription of the lecture by Srila Prabhupada…



In his last years, Sanatana Goswami resided at Govardhan Hill. The residents of Vrindavan customarily worshipped him on Guru-purnima. On this day, as they approached his bhajan khutir, they were stunned to find him departed from this world. In great lamentation, they carried his sacred body back to Vrindavan, where he was placed in samadhi behind the Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan temple, which was the temple of his worshipable deity.

Advaita Acarya discovered the original Deity of Madan Mohan and worshipped Him under an old tree (vat). Before His departure for Navadvip He entrusted the Deity to a brahmana named Chaubhe in Mathura. Years later Caitanya Mahaprabhu sent Sanatana Goswami to Vrindavan to discover lost places of Krisna s pastimes and write books about devotional service. It was then that Sanatana Goswami first saw the deity of Madan Mohan.

Advaita-vat, near Madan Mohan temple

(Advaita-vat, near Madan Mohan mandir)

Madan Mohan appeared to the brahmana in a dream and told him He wanted to be worshipped by Sanatana, who worshipped Madan Mohan very simply. Madan-Mohan asked Sanatana if he could give Him at least little salt. Sanatana replied he would like to but being dedicated to his bhajan couldn t afford such a “luxury”.

Sanatana talks to Madan Mohan

(Picture in Sanatana Goswami s samadhi of him worshipping Madan Mohan very simply.)

Shortly afterwards a wealthy merchant s boat ran aground in the Yamuna. The owner, Krishnadas Kapoor, was worried about his goods — he didn t know what he would do to save his cargo. Madan Mohan took the form of small cowherd boy and led Krishnadas to Sanatana. Krishnadas explained what had happened, but Sanatana replied that he was unable to assist; he was just a poor brahmana. He told Krishnadas that all he could do was pray to Madan Mohan, who was worshipped very simply nearby.

The merchant did as Sanatana suggested, and a few moments later his boat was set free by the rising tides in the Yamuna. In gratitude, he promised Sanatana anything, and Sanatana asked Krishnadas to build a temple for Madan Mohan. When Krishnadas delivered his cargo to Agra, he returned and did as requested, constructing the great temple for Madan Mohan that still partially exists today in Vrindavan.

Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan & Lalita Devi

(The original deity of Madan Mohan in Karoli, Rajasthan)

The original Madan Mohan Deity was moved from Vrindavan to Jaipur when the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb s soldiers attacked Vrindavan in 1670. That Deity is now in Karoli, south-east of Jaipur. There is an old story in Rajasthan (unconfirmed but very sweet!) that the Princess of Jaipur was betrothed to the Prince of Karoli. She told her father, the King, that she couldn t bear to part from the three Deities in Jaipur — Govindaji, Gopinatha, and Madan Mohan. Her father said she could take one with of the Deities with her to Karoli, but her dilemma was how to choose? She was secretly very attached to Madan Mohan, but her father told her, “You will be blindfolded before the Deities, and whichever one you choose, He will go with you.” She was led to the Deities, and as she approached Them and touched Their feet, she felt one of Them was warm to the touch. She knew this was her Madan Mohan, and so she chose that Deity. When the blindfold was removed, it was indeed Madan Mohan, and so He accompanied her to Karoli. That is why this Deity is so far away from Jaipur, where Govindaji and Gopinatha still reside.

In Vrindavan, Sanatana Goswami s samadhi is situated next to the Madan Mohan temple, and is maintained nicely by the pujaris.

Sanatana Goswami s samadhi

(Samadhi of Srila Sanatana Goswami)

Inside samadhi

(Samadhi murti)

Behind Sanatana Goswami s samadhi is the grantha-samadhi (below) which contains original transcripts of the six Goswamis writings.

