To the Hungarian Yātrā
Category: Article
Title: To the Hungarian Yātrā
Upload date: 2003-09-03
Śivarāma SwamiLetters by Sivarama Swami
Letter to the Hungarian Yatra, 3 September 2003
Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I write this letter following our recent 12th Nama Hatta Tabor. At that time I spoke at length about Srila Prabhupada s mission, and you had some opportunity to challenge and question my understanding of that mission, in ISKCON.
When I came to Hungary over fifteen years ago, it was without any clear vision what would happen here. I thought that I have been given some duty to preach, let me do it and see what happens.
Since that time the Hungarian yatra has developed beyond my expectations. We have thousands of devotees, Prabhupada’s books have been translated, New Vraja Dhama is flourishing, temples are there, Deities are opulently worshiped, and pompous festivals. And we have plans, many plans to fulfil all of Srila Prabhupada’s desires. And it is all to your credit.
I am one person; therefore I could not do much on my own. But it is because you have come forward to help that things have taken shape. Therefore I am very much in your debt. I realize that you are young, intelligent boys and girls, and you have given up much, simply on the basis of Prabhupada’s request, as it has come through me. That is your sacrifice, and I can only thank you. Only thank you, because I have no other way to repay you. I have no possessions, and my only asset is Prabhupada’s teachings, which are the greatest treasure, and I share them fully with you.
And the future challenges us. Can we move forward both individually and collectively with the same enthusiasm as before? Can we fulfil Prabhupada’s dreams for spreading the holy name, building temples and restaurants, establishing varnasrama and making others Krsna Conscious? I think so. The key will lie in the purity of our practices, the strength of our resolve and our willingness to co-operate. Then we can do anything.
Beyond that is the bright hope the we are going back to Godhead, where we will continue to work together for the service of Lord Caitanya and Radhe Syama, and if They want, we can come back to continue our service here.
In the meantime I have resigned from my services in the UK to engage more in Hungary. I hope that I may have more time to serve and assist you in your personal and collective Krsna Conscious mission. I see the opportunities as being unlimited; we have a good reputation, people like devotees, and Lord Caitanya’s blessings are raining down upon is.
Let us work co-operatively for the greater good of a Krsna Conscious Hungary. Vaisnavas live for others and it that way find true peace. If we can make Hungary the first Krsna Conscious country of Europe, it will be a wonderful offering for Srila Prabhupada and Radhe Syama.
I remain your ever well-wisher in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Sivarama Swami