Balarāma’s mercy…
Category: Letters by Śivarāma Swami
Title: Balarāma’s mercy…
Upload date: 2006-08-11
Śivarāma Swami
Spoken messages will not be practical until I return to Hungary, and I have postponed my return until the 14th due to the ill health I mentioned before. But I will write a few words to keep in touch (see below – the same text will also be posted soon in Hungarian).
On Balarama-jayanti I gave initiation to a man in his late thirties, giving him the name name Baladeva.
I have known him for a long time and he has been waiting to make this formal commitment to Krishna for twelve years. Last year he asked me to initiate him and I told him that I would upon my upcoming visit. But that initiation was almost not to be.
During this year s GBC meeting Govinda Maharaja called me outside the conference room and informed me that the gentleman had been in a car accident and was now in a coma on the verge of death. Devotees had asked that I pray for him. There was nothing else that would help him. Of course Maharaja and I did so, and by Krishna s grace he returned to consciousness, gradually recovered, and regained all his physical and mental faculties. The doctors considered it a miracle. Incidentally, Baladeva is the top Karate teacher in Kazakhstan.
After the celebrations for Lord Balarama I held a short initiation for him, and although he is a tough man, he cried in front of everyone and said that it was the happiest day of his life. It was a very touching event and I felt very fortunate that I could act as an instrument in the hands of Lord Caitanya and Lord Balarama.
I remain your ever well-wisher in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Sivarama Swami

On Balarama-jayanti I gave initiation to a man in his late thirties, giving him the name name Baladeva.
I have known him for a long time and he has been waiting to make this formal commitment to Krishna for twelve years. Last year he asked me to initiate him and I told him that I would upon my upcoming visit. But that initiation was almost not to be.
During this year s GBC meeting Govinda Maharaja called me outside the conference room and informed me that the gentleman had been in a car accident and was now in a coma on the verge of death. Devotees had asked that I pray for him. There was nothing else that would help him. Of course Maharaja and I did so, and by Krishna s grace he returned to consciousness, gradually recovered, and regained all his physical and mental faculties. The doctors considered it a miracle. Incidentally, Baladeva is the top Karate teacher in Kazakhstan.
After the celebrations for Lord Balarama I held a short initiation for him, and although he is a tough man, he cried in front of everyone and said that it was the happiest day of his life. It was a very touching event and I felt very fortunate that I could act as an instrument in the hands of Lord Caitanya and Lord Balarama.
I remain your ever well-wisher in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Sivarama Swami